Somehow I didn't miss any flights, get mugged or even get drug searched during the whole journey and I ended up in my first stop: Puteaux. Puteaux is in the western suburbs of France and was a perfect first landing point. It's quiet and safe and full of beautiful, intricate architecture, sculptures, gardens and art.
What did seem crazy was the way people stop their cars in front of supermarkets at day or night in the middle of the road, put their hazard lights on and go in for their nightly shop… leaving the car on the road with the lights on and all. We thought the first guy we saw do it was insane until we walked back out and there were three cars, on both sides of the road doing the exact same thing. Hey, maybe they're just onto something.
I met my two friends Sam and Nickas here and we stayed for two nights before they flew back to Helsinki on Monday. We spent the weekend in Paris doing everything touristy possible which I'll post on in my next entry.
Here are some pictures of Puteaux. I've decided since it's been 5 days since I left and I've already spammed the shit out of Instagram and Facebook (bless free wifi), I'd start blogging the extra pictures. Running around Europe with my camera and laptop is going to be brilliant!
Paris your wonderful photographs.